Billy Kroes

A web developer and local of Lansing, MI.

Examples of my work

The following are sites I have made recently for people in my community. After years working on web-development for an engineering firm's intranet suite, these are a noted departure from what I'm used to, emphasizing aesthetics over data management. This has allowed me to hone my skills making websites aesthetic, as well as functional.

Art Galleries

These are two sites I made for local artists to show off their new shows. They specifically are designed to demonstrate their art for the show, and to match their show's aesthetic.

This is Art

ThisIsArt The artist decided to opt out of describing a website, and instead drew the site on a notebook and sent me screenshots. My job was to take photos and organize them in a way that would work on mobile and desktop sites.

Calvin Bosanic This artist asked for all of their art to be displayed between the two panes, and asked the center to grow when the page was loaded. I set up the site to allow the artist to upload images, reorganize them and have them automatically populate the middle page.

Half Gallon Of Water

halfgallonofwater This is an online shop I made for a local famous artist, James Hays. It has an html and javascript UI, with a C backend which uses a json API (which would potentially allow integration with different clients like a mobile app). It features logins, which allow for adding items, images, etc. and Stripe integration for purchases. I am also hosting it on my server.